Karel Jedlička


Karel's research's background lies in modeling, analysis, and even simulation using multidimensional (geographic) data structures. In particular, Karel actively researches on 3D and 4D aspects of Geographical Information Systems. Primarily Karel focuses on the following application domains: 

  • analysis of trends in climatic and weather data for agricultural purposes,
  • influence of transport to the city life by designing and developing interactive traffic models for Digital twins of Smart cities.

Karel has been leveraging his skills in various (mostly EU funded) projects since 2007. Karel usually acts as a leader of a research or technical team in the project. He has participated in Stargate, EUXDAT, AfarCloud, and DataBio projects related to agriculture and S4allCities, TRAFFO, DUET, PoliVisu, and OpenTransportNet projects related to Smart Cities.

Karel works as a researcher at the University of West Bohemia, Deparment of Geomatics and the living lab Wirelessinfo. He is a deputy chairman of Plan4all Association and a co-founder of a traffic modelling Startup RoadTwin

Karel's availability.

© 2018 Karel Jedlička
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